1619 National Celebration of Black Women, Inc.
Our Donors & Supporters
National Congress of Black Women, Inc.
National Urban League
Women In NAACP (WIN)
California Commission of the Status of Women and Girls
Citywide Supporters
Queens Rising, LLC
(Cincinnati, Ohio Organizer)
Detroit Dream Investment Solutions, Inc.
(Detroit Organizers)
City of Rialto, California
San Diego Urban League
Point Loma Nazarene University
Democratic Women's Club of San Diego
Camille Bascus and Bobbie Trimble
(Atlanta, Georgia Organizers)
Markay Picou
(Dallas Organizer)
Women's March San Diego
San Diego CountyWide Indivisible
Neighborhood House Association
​Friends of The Malcolm X Library
​Ignite Leadership Academy
College of Professional and Continuing Studies
Women's Museum of California
RBW Security
M.A.N.D.A.T.E Records
The Chocolate Voice (TCV)
Port of San Diego
The Johnson Family Trust
Neighborhood House Association, Inc.
Loretta Moore, Quilter
Annette Johnson, Quilter
Planned Parent of the Pacific Southwest
Sempra Energy Utility (SDG&E)
San Diego County Building Trades Council
(Family Housing Corporation)
MUFG Union Bank
San Diego Countywide Indivisible
Point Loma Nazarene University
M.A.N.D.A.T.E Records, Inc
Beatrice and Andrea Cubitt
RBW Security
$500.00 – $999.00 Donors
F​ormer Councilwoman Barbara Bry
Democratic Women's Club of San Diego County
Point Loma Democratic Club
Alice Kennedy
Thelma Mallory
Michael Kemp Photography (In-Kind)
Honorable Mention
California's Secretary of State
Dr. Shirley Weber
Mayor of San Diego
Todd Gloria
Former San Diego City Councilwoman
Barbara Bry
Current Supervisor of San Diego County
San Diego
Monica Montgomery
Susan Peinado
Vice President and 1619NCBW Board Member
Democratic Women's Club Of SD
Raphael Castellanos
Former Board Chair of Port of Commission San Diego
Dr. E. Faye Williams
National Congress of Black Women, President
Dr. Lorraine Johnson
A Woman's Worth
Starla Lewis
$100.00 – $400.00 Donors
Cheryl White
Lynnetta Devereaux
Tamara Muhammad
Susan Peinado
Jacquelyn Sherman-Rustin
Dr. Lottie Perkins
Donald and Stephanie Chick
Stewart and Brenda Payne
Clifford and Renee Sessum
Deanne Author
Monica Boyle​
Noli Zosa
Cynthia Keeve
San Diego Community
College District
Willie Watts-Troutman
Lynn Amabile
ITO Girard & Associates
Express Champion Service, Inc.
$25.00 – 99.00 Donors
Walter and Karen Amos
Gwen Pierce
Darrell Colbert
Vanessa McDonald
McCaine Family